One day you’re deciding on your very first item to stock in your store - and the next it’s being featured at a NYC book signing 🥺
Okay…it was actually more like 3 1/2 years later 😆
Either way, it is such an honor to be included in opportunities like this 🙌🏼
It wasn’t until yesterday that I had a full circle moment with these little chapstick keychains…
…and realized how fitting it was for one of my “flagship” items to make their debut at the New York City flagship Barnes and Noble store 🧡
When I chose to get my first order of these (just to see how the world liked them) I thought I’d be selling them to a few random people - who never wanted to lose their chapstick again - out of my micro apartment.
➡️ Fast forward a few years, and authors want to include them in goodie bags.
If I could, I would write letters to the 50 people that went home with one yesterday and tell them:
1. Your lips will never be chapped again (for as long as you live) if you keep this gift handy
2. This Daisy Dunes trinket, though so small, represents huge things to a small business owner in Michigan 🧡
Huge thank you and congratulations to Marci Hopkins @wake_up_with_marci as she released her book, Chaos to Clarity, and @socialwisepr!
Want to see what all the hype is about these? Get your own chapstick keychains here!